Combined Speech and Debate Rankings

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Displaying records 121 - 180 of 1538 in total

Rank Name State Debate Club Speech Club Points
121st 105.879
122nd 105.16
123rd 104.985
124th 104.982
125th 103.132
126th 102.021
127th 101.009
128th 100.611
129th 100.554
130th 99.562
131st 99.144
132nd 97.963
133rd 97.307
134th 97.11
135th 96.073
136th 94.31
137th 93.592
138th 92.896
139th 92.733
140th 92.23
141st 91.939
142nd 91.925
143rd 91.81
144th 91.471
145th 91.181
146th 90.762
147th 90.274
148th 90.213
149th 89.924
150th 89.836
151st 88.689
152nd 87.232
153rd 86.122
154th 86.089
155th 85.837
156th 85.256
157th 84.659
158th 84.533
159th 84.266
160th 84.251
161st 84.234
162nd 83.706
163rd 82.535
164th 82.515
165th 82.458
166th 82.304
167th 81.924
168th 81.75
169th 81.362
170th 81.217
171st 80.981
172nd 79.029
173rd 78.998
174th 78.405
175th 78.025
176th 77.669
177th 77.64
178th 77.463
179th 76.929
180th 76.913