Combined Speech and Debate Rankings in Apex Speech and Debate Club

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Displaying all 35 records

Rank Name State Debate Club Speech Club Points
1st 166.43
2nd 155.377
3rd 118.77
4th 113.273
5th 86.089
6th 82.515
7th 77.669
8th 56.676
9th 45.781
10th 40.919
11th 32.312
12th 28.304
13th 27.13
14th 26.813
15th 26.611
16th 20.936
17th 18.785
18th 12.687
19th 8.506
20th 7.693
21st 7.258
22nd 6.603
23rd 6.069
24th 6.035
25th 5.474
26th 3.998
27th 3.829
28th 3.782
29th 3.648