- Colorado

Debate Club: WD40
Speech Club: WD40

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 87.232 Speech Rank Points: 27.736
National Rank: 152nd National Speech Rank: 292nd
CO Rank: 22nd CO Speech Rank: 53rd
Event National Rank CO Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 217th 35th 5.451 ✔
flag 107th 29th 2.067
flag 97th 17th 8.027 ✔✔
flag 77th 10th 8 ✔✔
flag 178th 26th 4.191 ✔
flag 58th 5th 10.844 ✔
flag 90th 13th 14.277 ✔✔
flag 10th 3rd 48.652 ✔✔
flag 119th 17th 14.767 ✔✔✔

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