Combined Speech and Debate Rankings

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Displaying records 781 - 840 of 1540 in total

Rank Name State Debate Club Speech Club Points
781st 9.545
782nd 9.544
783rd 9.53
784th 9.515
785th 9.496
786th 9.436
787th 9.417
788th 9.369
789th 9.333
790th 9.262
791st 9.21
792nd 9.203
793rd 9.191
794th 9.189
795th 9.187
796th 9.181
797th 9.14
798th 9.133
799th 9.132
800th 9.101
801st 9.088
802nd 9.072
803rd 9.055
804th 9.036
804th 9.036
806th 9.026
807th 8.958
808th 8.913
809th 8.889
810th 8.872
811th 8.842
812th 8.805
813th 8.779
814th 8.749
815th 8.733
816th 8.705
817th 8.702
818th 8.697
819th 8.669
820th 8.668
821st 8.654
822nd 8.646
823rd 8.576
824th 8.566
825th 8.551
826th 8.538
827th 8.531
828th 8.527
829th 8.526
830th 8.525
831st 8.514
832nd 8.506
833rd 8.504
834th 8.467
835th 8.442
836th 8.44
837th 8.41
838th 8.409
839th 8.408
840th 8.395