Combined Speech and Debate Rankings

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Displaying records 601 - 660 of 1540 in total

Rank Name State Debate Club Speech Club Points
601st 16.01
602nd 16
603rd 15.964
604th 15.868
604th 15.868
606th 15.829
607th 15.815
608th 15.797
609th 15.766
610th 15.709
611th 15.686
612th 15.547
613th 15.543
614th 15.486
615th 15.472
616th 15.463
617th 15.413
618th 15.326
619th 15.314
620th 15.241
621st 15.144
622nd 15.1
623rd 15.054
624th 14.926
625th 14.9
626th 14.858
627th 14.839
628th 14.835
629th 14.832
630th 14.752
631st 14.742
632nd 14.697
633rd 14.679
634th 14.678
635th 14.659
636th 14.643
637th 14.46
638th 14.362
639th 14.348
640th 14.243
641st 14.222
642nd 14.221
643rd 14.211
644th 14.181
645th 14.163
646th 14.149
647th 14.111
648th 14.087
649th 14.078
650th 14.033
651st 13.764
652nd 13.736
653rd 13.719
654th 13.612
655th 13.581
656th 13.5
657th 13.44
658th 13.368
659th 13.325
660th 13.213