Combined Speech and Debate Rankings

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Displaying records 961 - 1020 of 1540 in total

Rank Name State Debate Club Speech Club Points
961st 6.088
962nd 6.069
963rd 6.067
964th 6.065
965th 6.035
966th 6.026
967th 6.002
968th 6
969th 5.975
970th 5.926
971st 5.896
972nd 5.865
973rd 5.864
974th 5.823
975th 5.81
976th 5.803
977th 5.727
978th 5.722
979th 5.694
980th 5.686
980th 5.686
982nd 5.676
983rd 5.666
984th 5.65
985th 5.632
986th 5.625
987th 5.6
988th 5.597
989th 5.588
990th 5.551
991st 5.549
992nd 5.507
993rd 5.505
994th 5.504
995th 5.485
996th 5.477
997th 5.474
998th 5.473
999th 5.425
1000th 5.413
1001st 5.4
1002nd 5.364
1003rd 5.347
1004th 5.317
1005th 5.316
1006th 5.297
1007th 5.273
1008th 5.234
1009th 5.231
1010th 5.224
1011th 5.222
1012th 5.209
1013th 5.2
1014th 5.167
1015th 5.146
1016th 5.145
1017th 5.132
1018th 5.127
1019th 5.122
1020th 5.12