Tournament Info

League: Stoa
Location: Cameron Park, California
Start date: Friday, January 31, 2025
End date: Friday, January 31, 2025


Lincoln Douglas Value Debate

Place Student Name Prelim Overall State Debate Club Points Top 38%?
1st flag 6-0 6-0 CA The French Never Surrender 24 ✔
2nd flag 5-1 5-1 CA Voyagers 12 ✔
3rd flag 5-1 5-1 CA Ex Nihilo 8 ✔
4th flag 4-2 4-2 CA Fortitude 6 ✔
5th flag 4-2 4-2 CA Contend Speech & Debate 4.8 ✔
6th flag 4-2 4-2 CA Nexus Debate 4 ✔
7th flag 4-2 4-2 CA Fortitude 3.429 ✔
8th flag 4-2 4-2 CA M&M 3 ✔
9th flag 4-2 4-2 CA Response 2.667 ✔
10th flag 3-3 3-3 CA Ad Dei Gloriam 2.4
11th flag 3-3 3-3 CA Nexus Debate 2.182
12th flag 3-3 3-3 CA Response 2
13th flag 3-3 3-3 CA Ex Nihilo 1.846
14th flag 3-3 3-3 CA The Truman Show 1.714
15th flag 3-3 3-3 CA Apex Debate 1.6
16th flag 2-4 2-4 CA Response 1.5
17th flag 2-4 2-4 CA Contend Speech & Debate 1.412
18th flag 2-4 2-4 CA Contend Speech & Debate 1.333
19th flag 2-4 2-4 CA Ex Nihilo 1.263
20th flag 2-4 2-4 CA Contend Speech & Debate 1.2
21st flag 2-4 2-4 CA Contend Speech & Debate 1.2
22nd flag 2-4 2-4 CA Contend Speech & Debate 1.2

Lincoln Douglas Value Speaker

Place Student Name State Debate Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA The French Never Surrender 24 ✔
2nd flag CA Voyagers 12 ✔
3rd flag CA Fortitude 8 ✔
4th flag CA Nexus Debate 6 ✔
5th flag CA Contend Speech & Debate 4.8 ✔
6th flag CA Response 4 ✔
7th flag CA Ad Dei Gloriam 3.429 ✔
8th flag CA Fortitude 3 ✔
9th flag CA Ex Nihilo 2.667 ✔
10th flag CA M&M 2.4
11th flag CA Response 2.182
12th flag CA Nexus Debate 2
13th flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.846
14th flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.714
15th flag CA The Truman Show 1.6
16th flag CA Contend Speech & Debate 1.5
17th flag CA Contend Speech & Debate 1.412
18th flag CA Contend Speech & Debate 1.333
19th flag CA Response 1.263
20th flag CA Contend Speech & Debate 1.2

Team Policy Debate

Place Team Name Prelim Overall State Debate Club Points Top 38%?
1st - flag 6-0 6-0 CA CLASH Debate Club 30 ✔
2nd - flag 5-1 5-1 CA Veritas Speech and Debate 15 ✔
3rd - flag 5-1 5-1 CA CLASH Debate Club 10 ✔
4th - flag 5-1 5-1 CA Response 7.5 ✔
5th - flag 5-1 5-1 CA CLASH Debate Club 6 ✔
6th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA LOGOS Colorado 5 ✔
7th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA CLASH Debate Club 4.286 ✔
8th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA Capital 3.75 ✔
9th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA Elevate Speech and Debate 3.333 ✔
10th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA Response 3 ✔
11th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA Capital 2.727 ✔
12th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA Ag & Au 2.5
13th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA CLASH Debate Club 2.308
14th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA D.O.C. 2.143
15th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA Response 2
16th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA Response 1.875
17th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA Elevate Speech and Debate 1.765
18th - flag 3-3 3-3 NV Ag & Au 1.667
19th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA Apex Debate 1.579
20th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA Elevate Speech and Debate 1.5
21st - flag 3-3 3-3 CA Reason 1.5
22nd - flag 3-3 3-3 CA CLASH Debate Club 1.5
23rd - flag 2-4 2-4 CA Nexus Debate 1.304
24th - flag 2-4 2-4 CA Ag & Au 1.25
25th - flag 2-4 2-4 CA Response 1.2

Team Policy Speaker

Place Student Name State Debate Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA CLASH Debate Club 60 ✔
2nd flag CA Response 30 ✔
3rd flag CA CLASH Debate Club 20 ✔
4th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 15 ✔
5th flag CA LOGOS Colorado 12 ✔
6th flag CA Response 10 ✔
7th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 8.571 ✔
8th flag CA Response 7.5 ✔
9th flag CA Response 6.667 ✔
10th flag CA Response 6 ✔
11th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 5.455 ✔
12th flag CA Ag & Au 5 ✔
13th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 4.615 ✔
14th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 4.286 ✔
15th flag CA Apex Debate 4 ✔
16th flag CA Response 3.75 ✔
17th flag NV Ag & Au 3.529 ✔
18th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 3.333 ✔
19th flag CA Elevate Speech and Debate 3.158 ✔
20th flag CA Capital 3 ✔
21st flag CA CLASH Debate Club 2.857 ✔
22nd flag CA CLASH Debate Club 2.727 ✔
23rd flag CA CLASH Debate Club 2.609 ✔
24th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 2.5 ✔
25th flag CA Elevate Speech and Debate 2.4
26th flag CA D.O.C. 2.308
27th flag CA D.O.C. 2.222
28th flag CA Response 2.143
29th flag CA Capital 2.069
30th flag CA Elevate Speech and Debate 2
31st flag CA CLASH Debate Club 1.935
32nd flag CA Nexus Debate 1.875
33rd flag CA Elevate Speech and Debate 1.818
34th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 1.765
35th flag CA Apex Debate 1.714
36th flag CA Ag & Au 1.667
37th flag CA Apollos 1.622
38th flag CA Response 1.579
39th flag CA Apollos 1.538
40th flag CA Response 1.5
41st flag NV Ag & Au 1.463
42nd flag CA Elevate Speech and Debate 1.429
43rd flag CA Capital 1.395
44th flag CA Ag & Au 1.364
45th flag CA Apex Debate 1.333
46th flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.304
47th flag CA Reason 1.277
48th flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.25
49th flag CA Apex Debate 1.224
50th flag CA Ag & Au 1.2
51st flag CA Capital 1.176