Combined Speech and Debate Rankings in Virginia

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Displaying records 1 - 60 of 129 in total

Rank Name State Debate Club Speech Club Points
1st 346.429
2nd 205.554
3rd 203
4th 192.868
5th 181.93
6th 172.285
7th 160.904
8th 139.79
9th 127.687
10th 126.851
11th 120.794
12th 119.1
13th 118.77
14th 116.891
15th 113.273
16th 113.168
17th 107.594
18th 104.825
19th 103.124
20th 88.404
21st 86.089
22nd 83.51
23rd 76.992
24th 76.919
25th 74.667
26th 71.773
27th 68.926
28th 67.228
29th 61.515
30th 61.218
31st 55.695
32nd 55.343
33rd 53.211
34th 52.772
35th 47.835
36th 43.751
37th 43.159
38th 42.188
39th 41.847
40th 41.206
41st 40.301
42nd 35.69
43rd 34.779
44th 32.312
45th 32.013
46th 27.13
47th 25.647
48th 25.48
49th 25.267
50th 24.641
51st 23.491
52nd 23.017
53rd 22.906
54th 22.873
55th 22.785
56th 20.328
57th 20.169
58th 19.446
59th 18.785
60th 18.527