Combined Speech and Debate Rankings in Georgia

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Displaying records 1 - 60 of 92 in total

Rank Name State Debate Club Speech Club Points
1st 226.484
2nd 195.55
3rd 190.6
4th 186.297
5th 174.31
6th 169.414
7th 133.728
8th 118.069
9th 90.274
10th 84.533
11th 81.362
12th 76.913
13th 76.819
14th 52.895
15th 52.341
16th 50.638
17th 40.167
18th 35.791
19th 32.706
20th 32.52
21st 31.239
22nd 28.819
23rd 28.112
24th 24.173
25th 23.225
26th 21.225
27th 19.665
28th 19.598
29th 18.838
30th 17.214
31st 17.102
32nd 17.061
33rd 14.643
34th 14.149
35th 14.078
36th 13.04
37th 12.19
38th 11.803
39th 10.846
40th 9.75
41st 9.679
42nd 8.514
43rd 7.973
44th 7.742
45th 7.653
46th 7.51
47th 6.784
48th 6.41
49th 6.223
50th 5.686
51st 5.632
52nd 5.505
53rd 5.413
54th 5.105
55th 5.1
56th 5.043
57th 5.033
58th 5.031
59th 4.934
60th 4.754