- Georgia

Debate Club: EAGLES Speaks
Speech Club: EAGLES Speaks

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 66.811 Speech Rank Points: 35.345
National Rank: 154th National Speech Rank: 164th
GA Rank: 12th GA Speech Rank: 13th
Event National Rank GA Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 195th 8th 4.867
flag 44th 4th 3.511
flag 66th 3rd 9 ✔
flag 227th 16th 5.809
flag 133rd 7th 1.091
flag 34th 3rd 7.19 ✔
flag 114th 12th 3.877
flag 35th 3rd 26.444 ✔✔
flag 75th 5th 15.143 ✔✔✔
flag 93rd 7th 5.022
flag 113th 9th 8.569 ✔✔✔

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