- Georgia

Debate Club: Metro Atlanta Forensics Club
Speech Club: Witness Drama

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 118.069 Speech Rank Points: 83.929
National Rank: 102nd National Speech Rank: 95th
GA Rank: 8th GA Speech Rank: 6th
Event National Rank GA Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 55th 2nd 25.667 ✔x4
flag 35th 2nd 5.167
flag 64th 6th 30.096 ✔✔
flag 49th 3rd 7 ✔
flag 103rd 5th 7.934 ✔✔
flag 92nd 10th 8.065 ✔
flag 34th 3rd 16.75 ✔
flag 160th 11th 7.308 ✔✔
flag 49th 4th 17.39 ✔✔✔
flag 127th 9th 13.542 ✔x4

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