- Missouri

Debate Club: St. Louis Speech and Debate
Speech Club: St. Louis Speech and Debate

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 18.39 Speech Rank Points: 13.735
National Rank: 541st National Speech Rank: 488th
MO Rank: 15th MO Speech Rank: 16th
Event National Rank MO Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 221st 12th 8.813 ✔
flag 214th 7th 1.036
flag 198th 8th 3.886
flag 205th 11th 2.233
flag 374th 14th 2.033
flag 343rd 9th 1.2
flag 338th 8th 1.222
flag 482nd 9th 2.404

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.