- Colorado

Debate Club: WD40
Speech Club: WD40

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 24.981 Speech Rank Points: 17.914
National Rank: 424th National Speech Rank: 394th
CO Rank: 75th CO Speech Rank: 76th
Event National Rank CO Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 300th 50th 3.759
flag 108th 30th 2
flag 136th 27th 4.811
flag 48th 15th 3.646
flag 708th 129th 1.522
flag 170th 35th 2.176
flag 322nd 42nd 2.773
flag 330th 44th 2.464
flag 157th 20th 3.243
flag 265th 30th 3.84
flag 366th 58th 1.051
flag 547th 95th 1.577

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.