- Arizona

Debate Club: Mars Hill Speech & Debate
Speech Club: Mars Hill Speech & Debate

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 35.006 Speech Rank Points: 7.375
National Rank: 341st National Speech Rank: 713th
AZ Rank: 10th AZ Speech Rank: 20th
Event National Rank AZ Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 268th 13th 4.5 ✔
flag 207th 10th 2.875 ✔
flag 147th 8th 3.714 ✔
flag 180th 12th 2.75 ✔
flag 135th 7th 4 ✔
flag 141st 9th 9.016 ✔✔
flag 50th 3rd 17.167 ✔✔✔
flag 110th 7th 16.712 ✔✔✔

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