- Washington

Debate Club: Defenders
Speech Club: Defenders

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 41.446 Speech Rank Points: 25.675
National Rank: 296th National Speech Rank: 309th
WA Rank: 14th WA Speech Rank: 16th
Event National Rank WA Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 277th 10th 4.333 ✔
flag 61st 2nd 3 ✔
flag 36th 2nd 15 ✔
flag 151st 11th 1.556
flag 253rd 15th 1.786
flag 102nd 8th 6.171 ✔
flag 168th 17th 6.901 ✔✔
flag 85th 5th 9.6 ✔
flag 62nd 1st 31 ✔✔

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