Combined Speech and Debate Rankings in Texas

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Displaying records 121 - 180 of 205 in total

Rank Name State Debate Club Speech Club Points
121st 9.597
122nd 8.913
123rd 8.733
124th 8.538
125th 8.504
126th 8.427
127th 8.389
128th 8.103
129th 7.897
130th 7.715
131st 7.542
132nd 7.453
133rd 7.439
134th 7.306
135th 7.252
136th 7.21
137th 7.015
138th 6.984
139th 6.82
140th 6.8
141st 6.738
142nd 6.7
143rd 6.421
144th 6
145th 5.588
146th 5.425
147th 5.146
148th 5.122
149th 5.114
150th 5.024
151st 4.987
152nd 4.66
153rd 4.389
154th 4.333
155th 4.035
156th 3.952
157th 3.94
158th 3.729
159th 3.51
160th 3.5
160th 3.5
162nd 3.498
163rd 3.379
164th 3.376
165th 3.368
165th 3.368
167th 3.126
168th 2.966
169th 2.745
170th 2.633
171st 2.572
172nd 2.501
173rd 2.4
173rd 2.4